i took the girls to the garden centre in the hope that the christmas decoartions would be on sale, and we were in luck! jamie was at a birhday party so we thought we'd try our luck! and we were in luck. I still find it amazing that just seeing christmas decoarations up lifts my spirits and i came out of that garden centre so happy!
Lexi found it all a but overwhelming bt aswe usually visit the garden centre to look at the decorations at least twice a week i think she'll get used to it! i must say one of the saddest things about jamie starting full time school is that my little christmas buddy wil not be able to come to the garden centre with me bu then had a thought, since moving we are now only 5-10mins away so wha a lvoely ater school treat!

so the trip to the garden centre was very worthwhile and i will be oing back at the end of the month as my lovely husband has ben working overtime and, well, someone has to spend the money ..right?
talking of the husband, he asked me what i want for christmas as he says he is completely stuck for what to buy since lexi came along ( i think his plans may have involved something to do with me going back to college but now that is obviosuly out of the window!!)
so i have decided its time for a nice food processor. last year he bought me a mixer on a stand, i hardly used the stand and bowl! but am going to do my research and tell him which one i want so i can make sure it does everything i need it to.

so jamie is going to have a little halloween party. he has a pinata in the loft we bought in the sale its a football but im going to drape a white cloth over the top to look like a ghost. its a pinata where you pull the strings rather then whack the life out of it.
i will make the little devil horns cup cakes i made last year and other halloween themed food.
i think charity would like a little movie /wii / pamper party..well she is 8 and 8 year olds like to think they are soooo grown up!
so come back and see what happens
i am on a baking buzz at the moment and hae taken to shipping up fairy cakes and victoria sponges on a whim. i love that i can weigh everything out, mix it, get it in the oven and on the table in 30 mins or ther abouts.
i have found some lovely recipes in the new cook book i found. one includes extra strong mints ground in a pestle and mortar and that seemed too unusual NOT to try so i am off to baby massage with lexi thismorning and am planning on camping ot in the kitchen this afternoon!
must fit in some ironing at some point as the kids have their school photos tommorrow!
i LOVE being a stay at home mummy xx
christmas dust to you all xxx
I just love the things in the garden centre, I hope the one near me is as good! What a great idea for Jamie's cake, sounds like they are going to have fun birthdays :-)